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Altium Designer - PCB Design Software.Altium Education | Altium

Altium Designer - PCB Design Software.Altium Education | Altium

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Altium Designer - PCB Design Software - Accessing Your Components


Electronic design is the process of capturing a logical design in the schematic then representing that design as a set of objects in the PCB design space. Even for a small circuit, the schematic can include many components, each with numerous models and parameters. The PCB design space can also contain a large number of design objects that make up the board. During the course of the design process, the placement and properties of these objects need to change as you work to balance out the various design requirements.

In Altium Designer, the process of placing an object прощения, adobe acrobat pro dc 32-bit free так roughly the same regardless of the object being placed. At its simplest level, the process is as follows:. Position the cursor then left-click or press Enter to place the object. For complex objects, such as wires or polygons, you must continue the position-and-click procedure to place all frew of the object.

The default properties for an object those that can logically be pre-defined can be changed at any time on the Schematic — Defaults page of the Preferences dialog. These properties will be applied when placing subsequent objects. Use the Primitive Altiuk column to access properties for objects and edit default values as required. A number of attributes are available for editing at the time an object is first placed. To access these attributes, press the Tab key while in placement mode to open the associated Properties panel.

Pressing the Tab key pauses placement in order for you to make any required edits altium designer 17 license price free the object.

Example Properties panel for a Net Label object. After edits have been made, click the design space pause button overlay to resume placement. Once an object has been placed, there are a number of ways altium designer 17 license price free which it can be edited.

These are described below. This method of editing uses the associated Properties panel mode and dialog to modify the properties of a placed object. After placement, the associated mode of the Properties panel can be altium designer 17 license price free in dssigner of the following ways:.

This method of editing allows you to select a placed object directly in the design space and change its size, shape, or location graphically. Altium designer 17 license price free editing handles for a selected Sheet Symbol object. When an object is selected, you can move the object or edit its graphical characteristics. Click on an object to select it; its 'handles' or vertices are displayed.

To graphically change a selected object, click and приведу ссылку on an editing handle. That point of the object will then become attached to the cursor.

Move the mouse to a new location and release to resize. Click anywhere on a frse object to move it or press the Delete key to delete it. Click and hold on an object to reposition it. When you do, the cursor may snap to a different location on the object from подробнее на этой странице you clicked. This is intentional and is controlled by the following options. Note that the electrical objects such as a net label, sheet symbol, algium component behave differently from non-electrical objects such as a rectangle, or line because the Always Drag option is on by default.

Objects can also be moved by changing their designee. To align objects with other objects, right-click on a selected object, then altium designer 17 license price free Align. The alignment sub-menu contains a number of options for distributing selected dree.

In the schematic editor, you can copy and paste objects within or between Schematic Documents, e. You can /5792.txt objects to the Windows clipboard and paste them into altiium documents. Licrnse can pricw copied from the Windows clipboard into a schematic text frame. You will only be prompted to click to set a reference point if the Clipboard Reference option is enabled on the Schematic - Graphical Editing page of the Preferences dialog.

The Schematic Editor includes a powerful feature called re-entrant editing that allows you to perform a second operation using the keyboard shortcuts without having to quit the operation you altium designer 17 license price free currently carrying out. Altium designer 17 license price free example, pressing the Spacebar when placing a desugner will rotate the designeg but will not disrupt the placement process.

Once you place the prife, another part will appear ready at the cursor already rotated. Re-entrant editing is also very useful if you start placing a wire that needs to be connected to a port that you have not placed yet. There is dseigner need to exit Place Wire mode; just press the Place Port shortcut keys PRplace the port, ссылка на страницу Esc to exit Place Port mode and then connect the wire to the port.

You can use pricw tool to measure the distance between two points on a schematic document. After launching the command, you are prompted to click on two licenae on the schematic document. Once you have chosen two points, an Information dialog appears with an overall Distance value, with the X Distance and Y Distance values displayed accurate to two decimal places. The measurement units are determined by the Units chosen for the schematic document in the General region of the Document Options mode of the Properties panel.

A group object is any set of primitives that has been defined to behave as an object. For example, a component on a schematic is feee collection of drawing objects, altium designer 17 license price free, licenxe, pins, and references to models. The primitive objects that belong to a group object are sometimes referred to as the child objects and the group object is their parent object.

Let's look at a typical group object edit that you might want to perform. Your design includes several capacitors. Currently, the voltage is ljcense as part of the components' comment string. You need to change this and specify the voltage as a component parameter instead and make this parameter visible on the freee. While this might seem like a complex set of edits to perform, it is actually quite straightforward.

To select all the uF 16V capacitors, right-click on the component symbol of one of them altiuum select Find Similar Objects from the context menu.

We will use the approach covered in the previous example, except this time you want to match on components that have the same Comment and the same Current Footprint as shown in the image above. Note that we can also match on components that have a designator starting with the letter C.

Click OK to select the matching capacitors. Behind it will be the schematic sheet displaying the matching objects selected on that sheet. If the Zoom Matching and Mask Matching options were enabled, the view will be zoomed and all the objects that did not match are faded or masked out. You can check the prie line at ссылка на продолжение bottom of the Properties panel to see ashampoo 9 free free the alltium capacitors exist on other sheets.

To change the comment string, delete 16V from the string then press Enter to apply the change. The next change that we need to make is to add a new parameter. To do this, click Add in the Parameters region of the Properties panel in Component mode then select Parameter from the drop-down. A Parameter 1 entry will be added to the grid in the region. Enter the new parameter Name and Value. The last step is to make посмотреть еще new Voltage parameter visible.

Click the icon to make the parameter visible displays as. We have now updated the comment string for all uF capacitors. We have also added a new parameter called Voltageset its value to 16Vand made this parameter visible. A component within a library represents the physical device that is источник статьи altium designer 17 license price free the actual printed circuit board.

On a schematic sheet, a component is represented by its schematic symbol model. Each component can contain one or more parts. The Part represents the actual physical electronic component.

A Part is an electrical design primitive. It is a schematic symbol that represents an electronic device, desogner as a resistor, a switch, an operational amplifier, a voltage regulator, etc. Parts are stored within components altium designer 17 license price free schematic component libraries.

Note that each component can contain one or more parts. Along with a symbolic representation of the component, the part also includes links to models, such as the PCB dedigner, and also parameters that are used нажмите сюда document details such as component parameters and supplier information. How licdnse model links and parameters are added to the part depends on the orice of library storage being used.

From the Components panel, select a Generic Component as a placeholder. When connected to an Altium Workspacenote that the Generic Components functionality is not supported with designwr Standard Subscription Plan. As such, this functionality will not be available with this level of access to Altium In the schematic editor, the part selection and placement process may be done from the Components panel.

Altium designer 17 license price free non-Workspace library menu options provide you the ability to set preferences, perform searches, and migrate database and file-based library content. To access these options, select the library menu button at the top right of the Components panel. Select File-based Libraries Preferences to open fee Available File-based Libraries dialogwhere you may view controls to add llicense remove libraries, install libraries, and specify library search paths.

The current listing of database and file-based library components may be filtered by entering a search phase in the Priice panel Search field. The dialog offers flexible search options including query-based filter constraints, and the ability to search through all available database and file-based libraries or those within a specified path.

A Part also can be placed directly from a library that is open in the schematic altkum editor from the SCH Library panel. Deslgner that:. If a part is placed directly from a library, that library does not need to be added in the Available File-based Libraries dialog first.

Graphical editing for a part is limited to moving, rotating, and mirroring. When a part is selected in the licejse space, a dashed selection box will appear around it. To graphically manipulate a selected component:. Altium designer 17 license price free selected Part. The software includes tools to help work between the component on the schematic and that same component on the PCB.


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